No longer stuck, no longer lost, weight lifted, pain gone, people say he looks younger and brighter.
Tags: Energy; Lost; Love; Pain; Pain, lumbar; Relief, amazing; Something missing; Stuck; Weight lifted; Youthfulness;
Great news! I'm ready to continue with my healing journey.
The last months were... I can't find the word...Let's say deep, profound, moving, also a little hard.
Between April and June I had a lot of trouble with myself, feeling bad, bored, lost, like "trapped", I had a feeling like being stuck trying to walk forward through a wall. And I really was stuck! But luckily I overcame that. I go on vacations alone the first days of June, and on the trip I relax, meditate in nature and suddenly, reading a book (A new earth - Eckhart Tolle) a cognition comes. I realized the profound, limiting "belief" that was getting me trapped. It was unbelievable. I can describe it making an analogy: imagine that you had an incredibly big, heavy rock in the middle of your home and you feel like you missed was always bothering you. So there you are every day looking and searching for that missed thing and dodging that annoying rock all the time. But suddenly, out of nothing, one day you simply see it and feel like "What?! What the hell is this? This always was here!" So, you take the rock and get it out of your home. When you came back, you noticed that under the rock was that thing you've been looking for all these years. And an amazing relief fill your body.
Well, talking about the "physical" world, just to have an irrefutable proof that we create our world and this cognition changed everything, two weeks later I met the love of my life (and that was what I had lost under the rock: LOVE). My body started to feel better, some pains vanish, I have a better inner feeling, have more energy, people around me told me that I look younger and brighter, and so on. So that's a little bit of my story on AIM. What a wonderful program, thank you!
About the actual detoxing frequency, I'm surprised because in the last few days I was feeling a little tired (just a little) and lumbar vertebrae pain is diminishing ( I had it in the past, but much stronger). So it makes sense.
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